Maryam's Daily Musings

..... life is beautiful, live it to the fullest.....

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

First Day of Ramadhan

Today is the first day of Ramadhan. So, to all Muslims and Muslimahs, Ramadhan Kareem. May this blessed month brings us closer to Allah.

We went out for dinner yesterday, and my colleague wanted to meet his old friend, a professor of economics who is originally from Iraq. Me and my other friend felt that it wasn’t proper for us to tag along this ‘visit’ so we decided to shop around while waiting for him. When we went to pick my friend up from the professor’s place, I finally get to meet this person that my colleague speaks so fondly of. And the first impression I had was that this is one extraordinary person. He is old. But his face shines. You can actually see that he has a very strong relationship with Allah. And the way he spoke.. it just felt so right.

On the way back to the hotel, I tried to find out more about this person. So, my colleague reiterated a story about this man. Once he was giving tazkeerah to a few brothers, and was quoting a hadith from Rasulullah s.a.w. Another brother tried to argue with him on what another sahabah (i.e. Abu Hanifah) said about the subject matter. And that brother was really trying to get him annoyed. So he simply said, “I said Rasulullah s.a.w. said this and you are telling me that Abu Hanifah said that… Please brother… have some respect for Rasulullah s.a.w.”

Of course when I actually read what I have just written, it may have no impact on anyone, but when this professor actually said it, these words had such an impact on my colleague that he still remembers it until now, 30 years later.

I learnt my greatest lesson yesterday… watch your words! What you say may have an impact on others – and it may be good or bad, so watchout!


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