Maryam's Daily Musings

..... life is beautiful, live it to the fullest.....

Friday, November 11, 2005


How can you tell if a person is a hypocrite?

I have wanted to tell people, especially those close to me about this, but I am so afraid of the outcome. But it has been hanging in my head for so long, that I don't feel I can keep up with it anymore..

A few weeks ago, I was in close contact with one of my colleagues. We had to do a project together. And over that short period of time, we worked very closely. You see, this person is well known by others as a person who is "islamically" inclined. What I mean is that he is always reading the Holy Quran, always saying Allah's name, always praying at the mosque.. and his friends are all imaams and sheikhs from all over the world. I respect him very much.. and would never imagine him being "another" person.. until he began to show his true colours.

On this particular day, he did something that I completely did not expect.. It came as a very, very big surprise to me. It may look 'nothing' to the eyes of others... But to me, it is a big, sinful thing. And I hated it. I hated him for it. And I hate him so much now.

I have lost respect of him from that point onwards. And I pray that Allah protects me from being in contact with him again.

And I pray that he realizes what he has done.. and that he repents from it.

Am I wrong in labeling him a 'hypocrite'?


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